Software Information

This is an overview of the different types of software we use in this book.

R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics, that can be downloaded online.

R Studio is a well-known Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for R. If you don’t know what that means, it’s just basically where you type in your code and see the targeted outputs. This software is also available for free online.

R Markdown is a powerful tool that can be used alongside R Studio to create beautiful documents and format them neatly in PDF, HTML, or other formats. Though not compulsory, it is highly recommended for you to learn about this software as it is quite easy to pickup once you understand R syntax, and the results can be spectacular. You can also check out the documentation online.

Finally, this book was created with R Bookdown, which compiles your R Markdown files into production-ready booklets. It is completely free and the documentation is available online. Knowledge of this is not required.